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Preshipment Inspection > in Beijing Shanghai Tianjin Chongqing Shichuan Chengdu Guangxi Nanning Wuzhou Hainan

The Inspection Services we do in:

  • Beijing->Not so many inspections, so occasionally, mostly outside the city
  • Shanghai -> multiple products as it is the biggest city in China.
  • Tianjin-> Steel Products, Construction Material, Chemical Products
  • Chongqing Shichuan Chengdu -> Local produces, fruits, Chilis
  • Guangxi Nanning Wuzhou -> Wooden Products
  • Hainan -> Stone Flooring Products
Guangxi quality assurance

Inspection Protocol for Quantity Check (examples):

Expected Result: Result Actual Finding / Comments
80% of the total order quantity must be packed /
100% of the total order quantity must be finished /
Packed Quantity semi-finishedQuantity

3rd party preshipment products goods factory onsite inline final Random AQL PSI TPI FRI DUPRO third party on-site in-line pre-shipment QC check quality control assurance services in China India Vietnam Thailand Malaysia Bangladesh Taiwan.

