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Fabric inspection in Jiaxing Zhaoxing Jiangying Shandong Guangdong Guangzhou Jiangsu:

What to look for in third party product quality inline QA QC check for fabric onsite preshipment PSI inspetions in Jiaxing Zhaoxing Jiangying Shandong Guangdong Guangzhou Jiangsu? Mostly we will follow the 4 point system for fabric inspections (or 10 point stystem) to determine if the quality level, and will perform the on-site factory QC inspections as follows:

  • Stain, mould, odor and insects
  • Fabric defects checking
  • Customer's specs
  • Foreign objects like broken pins, human hairs
  • Measurements
  • Stitches
  • Packaging, labels and markings
  • Color differences and shifting
  • Thread ends
  • Special requirements & on-site testing
  • Rub test
Fabric inspections

An example checklist of fabric quality onsite QC check FYI.

D1. Fabric Width
Client’s Usable Width: - excluding selvedges 
Less than the specification is not acceptable. 
Description: Usable width checking  PASSED 
D2.Fabric Length of Roll
Measured fabric length by a counter meter which set up on the fabric inspection machine to compare with roll ticket and packing list. Tolerance:  must be within -2% against roll ticket 
Refer to below MEASUREMENT TABLE - Actual
D3.Bowing and Skewing
l Measure skewing / bowing by way of “drawing weft yarn” or “tearing” or their combining, depending on product characteristic.
A= Variation of weft, B = Fabric overall width Please calculate A/B=?
l Tolerance: 
- 2.5% of overall width for Y/D or Printing 
3.0% of overall width for solid color
A/B=0%  N/A 
D4.Color Shading Checking Within the Roll:
D4.1  Color consistency check  (in Width):
Cut a swatch of about 20 cm along the width from the beginning, check if there is any color shading of side to side / side to center on the beginning /middle /ending area.
Tolerance:  Less than grey scale 4-5 is not accepted
D4.2  Color consistency check  (in length):
Use above cut swatch, check 3 times per roll to see if there is any color shading of beginning to ending.
Tolerance: Less than grey scale 4-5 is not accepted. 
D5.Color Shading Checking Between Pieces to Pieces:
Check color consistency between Pieces and Pieces (i.e.
lot shading).
Tolerance: Color shade difference between pieces to pieces less than grey scale 4-5 is not acceptable. 
D6.Rub test / color fastness test:
Use a white cotton cloth to rub the fabric. Rubbing shall be done on all the samples cut, with both a dry and a wet cloth.
Expected result:
l No color transfer worse than 4 on a grey scale (between the original white cloth and the colored one) for dry test
l -No color transfer worse than 3-4 on a grey scale (between the original white cloth and the colored one) reference scale for wet test-must be as our technical sketches sent to you.- 
D7. Fabric Width
-The minimum splice length for all fabrics is 30 yards/27 meters or a maximum allowance is three splices per 100 linear yards/meters unless special requirement that stated in the booking.  --------- 

3rd party preshipment products goods factory onsite inline final Random AQL PSI TPI FRI DUPRO third party on-site in-line pre-shipment QA QC check quality control assurance services in China India Vietnam Thailand Malaysia Bangladesh Taiwan.

